Black-Hat Bash scripting part 6
Hello, Been a minute, all i can say is i did not have an adapter in Roma, so I couldn’t really do some reading and work, but i’m back and ready to continue:
Bash cutomization for PTS:
- when you write a bash script you can place it in a directory such as /usr/local/bin or you can call the script directly using the full path, change the directory to where your script is and execute from there, use aliases, adding additional paths to the path env variable.
exercise 2:
well… after looking at the solution exercise, i wasn’t far off but the ping, i was not close at all…dang when will i get to have that mindset of just writing a bash script effortlessly, why is this easier for most peeps. I’m gonna suck till i suck less before i pentagon has me on their radar i see.
ch3: Setting up a hacking lab
ok..ok enough of the lion king theatrics basically, now we are just downloading docker, docker-compose to be able to set up the lab, and nothing to write home about it as its straight forward from the book.
never mind..i spoke too soon, my lab is down gotta now figure out how to change that status from down to up. Fast forward, it had to do with the space available.
So, yeah i had to redownload kali and give it more space
After that it’s just installing the tools recommended by the book.
Next there is using a shortcut to getting these tools to run and with the term that spies/criminals use to make a fake name while doing whatever they are doing:
This took way longer then it should have, there were some setbacks but my mindset was in the guise of “am i good enough.” I just gotta suck now and suck less later on. That’s all for now till the next chapter:)
Almost forgot, you have to save a snapshot.
May you always be in a state of flow.