Black-Hat Bash Scripting part 5
Hello again, today i am going over loops and loops controls, today i am going over loops and loops controls, yeah i did that on purpose. Tough crowd…moving on to the loops:
while- a while loop runs an iteration of code until a certain test retunrs back an exit status code, so in pentesting can be used for picking up any new hosts that join a nwtowrk or port scan a network(i wonder if this is what some professional bug bounty hunters use in their recon tool like jahddix or tomnomnomnom(hope i got that right)
while some_condition; do
# run commands while the condition is true
until- It is the polar opposite of while, it’s a loop control that only tests as long as it fails.
until some_condition; do
# run some commands until the condition is no longer false
for- It runs according to sequences, can be filenames, variables.
for variable_name in LIST; do
# run some commands for each item in the sequence
break and continue
You can exit a loop control using the break keyword.
Continue is used to leap to the next iteration of a loop control.
Case- it allows you test many conditions in a clean way, less use of using if conditions.
# do something if the first condition is met
# do something if the second condition is met
the three musketeers:
grep- to search for log files, quickly used to find specific info within a file
awk- data extraction, report generation
sed- modify text files and automate text transformations
this part of the chapter is talking about text processing and using the 3 ways to do it
That’s all for now
May you always be in a state of flow.