Black-Hat Bash scripting part 12

Emmanuel Wiseman
4 min readDec 4, 2024


Hi again, so far, i have found myself contemplating how i taught myself programming since i was 14, how I was taught programming from university and why I find myself betwixt the two one is a creative expression of langauge while the other is a corporate style of thinking. It’s quite intriguing when i think about it because it’s why my learning process when it comes to programming hasn’t really progressed as much as I would like. Because i find myself doubting myself and my ability, my potential to be me…not what a job description is looking for me…Steve said it best…”a computer is like a bicycle but for the mind.” So..letting continual voices in my mind say, “you don’t know shit.” Plus now when i think about it, some lecturers didn’t like it when i had my own way of solving a programming question, it has to be the way they taught which led me to hate programming with a passion and dissociate myself from that term altogether. I am currently listening to this: and it is eye opening, like if you have been following this bash series, i would be absolutely livid if I did something wrong but have pure bliss if i did something right according to the book, right now i do not have any creative expression as I still do not know enough about it to even go my own way and honestly so far…i am not feeling like the language of bash is ingrained in my neurotic pathways…yet, I may be consistent in learning although not everyday as I should but my mind already associates programming as something I really abhor..I need to change that and just show up to learn so that my creative expression starts to come out over time, it’s kinda like martial arts, you learn the form before you have your own form over time and that is like a stage 3 if i am recalling what brue said:

yep…boom so instead of worrying about my future as a hacker which i know is great, i need to be careful of what i am learning…ok that’s enough rambling moving on to bash oh boy am i filled with joy to learn now.

Login sessions and user activity

-when you log into a system or open a new terminal session, that is recorded by the system

let me not lie…i got distracted by TikTok….the focus is gone for a you know what time it is an inntermission

Exercise 13 recursively searching for readable logfiles

my solution
author’s solution

tomorrow..not gonna force myself to continue just to finish the book faster




Emmanuel Wiseman
Emmanuel Wiseman

Written by Emmanuel Wiseman

Just someone sharing knowledge on his cyber journey

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